Monday, June 25, 2012

Just Drive...

Have you ever had one of those days where you just want to get in the car (alone) and start driving, no  destination in mind...just away from where you are now?  I have been having those a lot lately and let me tell you it's not a great way to start out a brand new week...

It's going to take something massive to turn this around and I don't know if I have what it takes.  I am thinking I may need to see a professional, or send my boys to boot camp.  It really is becoming that bad...

I need a vacation, or just 24 hours alone in a really really bad way.  Too bad that's never going to happen.  :(

1 comment:

  1. Mollie and Mel made a major turnaround when I cleared my plate and made them my #1 priority. They said countless times "you are always on the computer" or "I don't like it when you work computers". So I've been getting up early and doing what I can get done computer wise until about 9. And then it's housework and meeting their needs. When they come up to me and need something, I stop what I'm doing and help them. It sounds pretty simple, but we get into the habit of expecting too much out of our kids and not enough out of ourselves. That is one habit I'm really working on! They (and I!)have very little media time also. I notice when they start to get cranky it's when the tv has been on in the background too long. And then I send them off to be challenged, reading a book, drawing a picture of something specific, cleaning, or I sit down with them and read a magazine or something along those lines. That's why I've been trying to do as many activities as I can with them this summer, it's good for the whole family and they are loving it! I am stepping out of my comfort zone and it's paying off. I challenge you to do the same :) If you want me to take them all sometime for a sleepover, let me know! (I mean it!) Summer craziness will ensue!!



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