Monday, March 26, 2012

It's time...

I think it's time to jump on the blog train once again.  I will warn you though, my life is still pretty boring and most of my posts will be about books, TV, kids, etc...!!

I did manage to drag my sewing machine out this past week, for the first time since the start of the year.  It's still sitting on my kitchen table because I need to fix a pair of pants and make myself a wrist strap for my new camera.  It will most likely be put back into hiding shortly thereafter.  At least until I feel the need to sew something again!  Here is what I used it for. I made this skirt for Bailey out of a pair of jeans that were too short and had a hole in the knee.  It's super cute, but when she wore it to church yesterday she ripped out a lot of the hem stitching.  They were stretch denim jeans and I need to find the right thread for that type of fabric, otherwise she will just rip them out every time I fix it!  Any suggestions?

I also made a purse, phone case and makeup bag for a girl that Jake works with.  It was an Izzy with the red OU fabric I have used before.  It was so weird making a purse again, but it was just like riding a bike!  I just had to go out an buy a lot of stuff that I used all up before I stopped sewing. I will probably work on stuff off and on to put in my Etsy store in the summer though.  We'll have to see how it goes!

Jake, Bailey and I went to see The Hunger Games on Saturday.  It was really good, I was not disappointed in it at all.  It was a bit jerky though and that was a little annoying for someone with glasses, but once I got past that I was okay.  I think it would have been better farther back from the screen, even though we were already about 1/2 way back.

Hmmmmm.....what else is going on??  Today was the kids 1st day back from Spring Break.  I didn't work today, but I am working tomorrow at the boys' school, which is my absolute favorite school to work in!  I have worked 8 days so far this month and all but one day was in their school.  I have 3 schools that are the ones I most generally work in and in those I have specific classes that I always seem to end up taking and I really love them!  There is only about 2 months of school left now then I have to find something to do for summer...maybe I will get a job at our new Ulta!!

In just 3 days I will be 38....I can hardly believe it.  I don't really feel that old...most of the time!  As you can tell, I am not one of those girls who won't admit her age, what's the point of that anyway?  I LOVE my birthday!

I got an iPhone 4 the beginning of February and I am in the process of uploading all my pictures to my Google+ account so I can use those on here.  I tend to use that much more than my camera these days.  I am LOVING instagram so much.  I started a photo a day challenge in March and I have kept up with that all month and I am ready for April too.  This is the prompt that I am using, it's so fun.  It's from this blog, and she does a new one each month.  I like having someone tell me what to photograph too, it makes it easier for me to keep up with.  Although, if you make "moon" a prompt, it's probably best to make sure that it's not the first day after the new moon when there is no visible moon for most of the US!!

Well, I don't want to bore you too much all at once on my first day back, so I will leave you for now!  Have a wonderful evening.  I am off to make pizza for the kids and I for dinner!

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