Thursday, September 8, 2011

I don't know about that...**RESCUE ME SPOILERS** Don't read this if you haven't seen it yet!

So I watched the Series Finale of Rescue Me today and I just don't know about that ending or the beginning for that matter.  I was all braced for a tear jerking finale where all the guys or most of them died in that explosion and the opening scene surely set that up.  Then we find out it was all a dream and Kenny was the only one that died.  Let's just say that the little clip I posted yesterday had some VERY deceiving scenes, scenes that were obviously taken from other episodes during the series.  They were just snippets, but they all pointed to Tommy being one of the ones who died.  So anyway, that's another show that is now over.  I have to say that these last 2 seasons were pretty much it for me anyway.  It started out so good, but just started dragging there the last couple years. Needless to say, I'm not sad that it's over.

I worked again this morning, this time in girls 7-16 and setting an Aromatique Christmas display.  My sinuses were not thanking me after working with that for about 30 minutes!  They have 2 Christmas scents, one is a tree scent and the other is more of a cinnamony scent.  I don't usually do potpourri, but these are the ones with the big pine cones and things in them, they are really pretty!  I am sure Jasper would be trying to eat it or something, but I may have to get some closer to Christmas...or maybe just to give as gifts!

I actually came home today and went back to bed for a couple hours so I won't be dead tired by the time 6pm rolls around!  Tonight the kids school is doing a reading time thing for Grandparents day so Janet and Lee are coming by to take the boys to that in a little bit.  I haven't done any sewing today so I guess I need to wrap this up so I can start getting something cut out.  Here is what I have finished up since I posted pictures the last time.

A fun and funky Coupon Clutch for Jaime
I am cutting out a Kidlet tote, Nook Sleeve and an Ella today...we'll see how far I get!

Oh, don't forget that the contest is ending tonight at midnight about it here and see how many entries you can get before it ends!!

Now...I can't get enough of this song and I think you need to get it stuck in your head too!!

Have a great evening!!

1 comment:

  1. Just had to stop by and say how much I am loving my camera bag and coupon clutch!! AND...69 days to go wohoooo! I usually stop by to check out the counter when I read all your fun posts!



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