Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I meant to do this post yesterday but got sidetracked by the awesomness that is Heather!!  So today it's all just randomness about me!

I am so exited to see this movie on Friday that I don't know how I am going to get through the next 3 full days of teaching!
I have always been creative, but I tend to burn out after a few years.
My grandma taught me to sew when I was a kid, she also taught me to cook.
I still love to do both!
Someday I will finish my degree and maybe teach instead of just subbing.
I am an English Major, only halfway through my degree.
I would like to teach literature at a HS level.
I LOVE to read almost more than anything.
I don't love to read self-help books or most fiction though!
My goal is to read 130 books this year, I have read 110.
I am a coffee drinker.
My favorite Starbucks drink is White Chocolate Mocha, but I don't get them very often.
When I eat chips, pretzels, etc...I always eat the smallest first.
I eat M&Ms in quantities of 5-6 and I like them with Cherry Twizzlers.
I could eat pizza probably every day.
I would like to lose 100 pounds...
I need to stop eating pizza!
I don't have any tattoos, but I want one.
I prefer my hair short, so does my husband.
I would dearly love to go to Europe some day.
I spend way too much time online.
I love British TV shows, they are funnier than American ones.
Most of the TV shows I watch are Sci Fi or Paranormal in some way.
I tend to fixate on an actor and I will watch everything they are in no matter how bad it is.
Right now I really like Matt Smith and Alexander Skarsgard.
My husband doesn't mind!
I think it's super lame when married couple share a Facebook or Email.
Get your own email address...they are free!!
I was a stay at home mom for almost 12 years.
I like getting paid to do something that doesn't feel like a job.
Substitute teaching is like that for me.

Ok...that's all for today, but I have tons more!!
Have a great evening.

1 comment:

  1. OMGosh!!! i have been laughing out loud!!

    THAT was Awesome!!

    xo, Heather



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