Tuesday, September 6, 2011


So I am officially a working woman again!  Outside the home that is, I always work at home!  I got the job and I went in to do my paperwork and computer based training yesterday.  Since it was a holiday the manager wasn't there so once he comes back and gets me on the schedule I will actually be working.  Right now I have no idea when that will be, I just have to wait for them to call me.  I do have an employee number, though and coupons to use towards my work clothes and an employee discount so I am ready!  I need to make a trip in to find some good shoes though.  They are supposed to be all black, all my tennis shoes have pink on them!  I need to find something comfortable for standing/walking around all day in so that may be a challenge.  I bought some shirts at Kohls the other day, but I still need to buy pants so I guess I should do that too...  Dress code is black polo style shirts and either black or khaki/tan pants. I did get a couple pairs of capris, but I need to see if they are okay to wear, if not I am going to return them...I don't see myself wearing khaki capris outside of a work setting.  I am not looking forward to getting up before 5am to go to work, but I will get used to it and the money will be nice!

In Pink Punk News, there are only a couple more days left to get your name entered in the contest so do that while you can!  I am trying to get as caught up as I can before I start working.  Here are a couple things I have finished up recently.
 A Phone pouch and Makeup Brush Roll

Well, the kids went back to school today and Jake is working with his dad this morning so it's quiet here...I am going to see how much I can get done around here today!  Have a great day and if you watch Sons of Anarchy be sure to set your DVR for the new season that starts tonight!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck at the new job! 5 am IS early!

    DanAna Safee from Facebook :)



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